With all the humility and thankfulness, I am extremely grateful to Allah The Almighty Who Has Blessed me with such an esteemed yet challenging opportunity to serve as the Senior Vice President of Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sialkot (WCCIS), indeed an honour to reckon with for which I am humbled.

The Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry has already set very high standards through out the world as the achievements of Sialkot Business Community under the auspices of SCC&I speak volumes. Therefore, the inception of Women Chamber demands the continuation of this success story a great deal.

Being an equally essential part of the society, our women are meant to play a vital role in the uplift of Socio – Economic situation resulting in a viable environment of the City in particular and the Country in general for which I promise to strive hard for the required / desired results by putting the best possible efforts to serve and perform my duties according to the assigned task.

Last but not the least, under the kind patronage of my respected President and the cooperation of my respected Vice President, we shall definitely move forward with a result oriented approach thus making Women Chamber a great success benefiting Private Sector and Civil Society.

Inn Sha Allah

“Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship, the real essence of Sialkot”.

Thanking You.

Mrs. Gulzaib Waqas Awan

Senior Vice President

Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sialkot